We’re convinced that good dental work lets the real you shine through. It takes into consideration everything that affects your oral health, and everything that makes you the unique person you are, and creates a smile that radiates your very best self.
Your oral health is our goal. Our entire practice is oriented toward helping you attain your best oral health. That’s why we’re always looking out for your best interests: determining what’s going on in your mouth and why. Our initial exam includes making extremely detailed observations, analyzing and charting, looking not just at the teeth themselves but at your bite, wear, jaw muscles, gum tissues, and even checking areas prone to cancer or other medical problems. If there are existing concerns, we’ll help you understand them, then take care of them with the latest expertise. We do a full assessment with each patient, create a dental health plan specific for you, and proceed with taking care of you in the best way possible to achieve the dental results that you want.
Your comfort is our concern. In all we do, we’re sensitive to your feelings about dental work. If you don’t like having your teeth worked on, we’ll provide you with entertaining TV and music, helping the time to just fly by.
Your smile is our reward. We make it a priority to listen to your concerns about your smile. Then we apply our experience and knowledge to create a treatment plan that will accomplish all of your objectives. And we work to ensure it’s affordable, helping you with insurance and payment plans as needed for your particular situation. Above all, we want to be certain that your smile is for keeps, so we work hard to equip you with the practical knowledge required to protect your investment, teaching you to carry out the very best oral health habits at home. We want you to leave our office feeling great about yourself, smiling from the inside out. Not just because you have a healthy mouth but because you’ve been well-cared for. And that’s the kind of smile that’s our reward.